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At Herbert Hurd Primary School, we believe that a safe and respectful learning environment is essential our learners to thrive. Our policies are designed to promote positive behaviour, prevent bullying and harassment, and ensure equal opportunities for all. We encourage all learners, parents, and staff to familiarize themselves with our policies and work together to create a welcoming community.




A learner may only be absent from school for a valid reason (illness, urgent affairs, etc).

  • If a child is absent from school for one day only, upon his return, the child's absence should be explained by means of a letter from the parent(s).

  • If a child is absent for a second day, the secretary should be informed by telephone.  This should be done at the outset if parents know that the child is due to be off for more than one day.

  • Absence of more than three days must be supported by a doctor's certificate.

  • In the case of absence through illness, the teachers will assist in efforts for the child to catch up with missed work, get notes, etc.


A Grade 4 to 7 pupil who is absent on a test day, will have to supply a doctor’s certificate. They will write the test on their first day back at school. 


The principal or any teacher may NOT give permission for any child to miss school for any reason other than illness or urgent affairs.  Permission for travel, timeshare, modelling assignments etc. may not be given.  Absence for periods of a week or longer could seriously hamper the child's progress.

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Academic Matters and Incentives
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In order to stimulate an academic awareness amongst our learners, a wide variety of academic incentives have been created.


Academic Certificates:                   


Academic certificates are awarded at the annual Awards Ceremony, to learners who have achieved at the highest possible level throughout the year. These certificates are also graded into a Gold, Silver or Bronze class.  The top five academic achievers will also be recognized from Grade 4 to 7.


General Certificates:


Every learner will receive a general certificate at the annual Awards Ceremony. These certificates are directly related to the learners’ attitude and commitment to school and all it has to offer.


Merit Badges/ Dojo Badges:


These badges are awarded continuously to learners who have been working according to their abilities. The system we use is called Class Dojo. In the Intermediate Phase a green badge is awarded when a learner receives 25 positive Dojos and a white badge is awarded when the learner receives 45 positive Dojos.  After 65 positive Dojos the learner will receive a ship badge.


In the Foundation Phase the learners are awarded a green Dojo badge for 40 positive Dojos and a brown Dojo badge for 60 positive Dojos.

Academic Badges:


These badges are awarded to the learners in Grade 4 to 7 at the end of the First Semester and at the end of the year based on the years cumulative mark. The recipients will have had to maintain an academic standard of 80% plus.


General Academic Matters:

Assessment of learners’ work is continuous throughout the year.

Assessment records are issued at the end of the first, second, third and fourth terms.

All exercise books are to be covered.

All text books are to be covered in plastic - if a textbook or library book is lost or damaged, pupils are required to pay for the replacement of these books.

House points are awarded on a daily basis in the classroom – these points play a major role in determining the winning house at the end of each year.

Outdoor Education plays an important part in our yearly school planning.  Grade 6 learners are privileged to spend three days at Addo Adrenalin.


The following activities serve as support systems for our academic programme :

  • Individual music;

  • Computer education;

  • Remedial education;

  • Extra lessons for pupils with barriers to learning;

  • Mathematics Extension;

  • Occupational Therapy and

  • Psychological Services.



After School Policy


  1. All learners are to leave the school building quickly and quietly through their designated exits.

  2. No learner may remain on the school grounds for extended periods of time unless supervised by a teacher or coach.

  3. No learner may climb over the palisade fencing or any closed/locked gates to leave the grounds.

  4. Learners must leave the grounds through designated gates only. After 14:30 the Foundation Phase gate near the swimming pool will be open.

  5. No learner may exit the school grounds through the main, front electronic gate.

  6. Learners may not interfere with the mechanism of the main, front electronic gate.

  7. Bicycles must be pushed from the lock up area at the boys change rooms to outside of the school grounds.

  8. Learners who use the Birkholtz field are to cross at the pedestrian crossing in 5th Avenue en route to the sports field.

  9. Learners are to wait in the designated area outside the Grade 2 classrooms; no learner is allowed to wait on the pavement area outside of the school grounds to be collected. The security personnel patrol this area from 7:00 to 17:30 daily.

  10. No learner may be allowed back into any classroom or venue after school once the classrooms are locked.

  11. Learners may not ask workers or teachers to unlock classrooms or venues to collect homework and so on after school.

  12. Learners may not be inside the school building after school hours unless accompanied by a teacher or coach.

Asignment and Project




  1. Instructions are to be given in writing or discussed in class.

  2. Instructions are to be clear and should be explained fully.

  3. The marking rubric should be supplied.

  4. The date of issue and the due date should be supplied. The time granted for completing the assignment should be reasonable.

  5. The research required should be accessible to all. Materials required should have no or little cost and should be easily obtainable to all.



  1. The assignment must be handed in on or before the due date. Should this due date not be met, a zero (0) mark will be registered subject to the following:

  • If the learner is ill on the due date, the assignment may be handed in on the day that he/she returns to school with no  penalty. This must be accompanied by a letter from the parent explaining the child’s absence.

  • Should the assignment not be handed in on the due date due to negligence only one day’s grace will be given. The late submission will result in the child forfeiting 20% of the marks.

  • This policy will be strictly enforced. No deviations will be permitted.

Cellphone Policy



NO CELLULAR PHONES or equipment of a similar nature are allowed at school.  If learners have forgotten to leave their cellular phones at home, they need to hand the phones in at the office before school for safekeeping. Learners who deliberately keep their cellular phones during the day, will hand the phones in at the office. Parents will have to collect the phones at the office after school hours.

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Girls’ hair must be clipped away from the face and hair of shoulder length or longer must be tied back.  Bottle-green ribbons and/or elastics (may be brown) must be worn.  Alice bands must either be bottle-green or dark brown in colour.

Girls may wear earrings in the form of small matching gold or silver studs.  Only two earrings may be worn, one in each ear and these may only be worn in the ear-lobe itself.  If the ear-lobe has more than one pierced hole, the stud may only be worn in the bottom most hole.

Boys’ hair is to be reasonably short, neat and not attract undue attention.  The level of the fringe must be above the eyebrows and hair must be clear of the collar and ears.  No trend-setting hairstyles including ‘steps’ are allowed.  It must be kept neat and clean at all times.

Boys may not use hair gel or mousse.

Boys may not wear earrings or bangles.

No highlights or colour may be applied to  girls’ or boys’ hair.  No dyeing of eyebrows and eyelashes of girls is allowed.


Hari and Jewellery Policy



Learners should expect:


  • Daily homework in the Foundation Phase for basic drills; reading words and reading phonics and Mathematics (counting, number concepts and problem solving).;

  • Daily homework in the Senior Primary in English, Afrikaans, Mathematics and Content Subjects;

  • Homework diaries to be used and signed daily by parents – teacher to sign weekly and  

  • No homework over weekends – excluding examinations or when work has not been completed.          


The following steps are to taken by parents:

  • Daily homework supervision;

  • Sign and check diary daily;

  • Establish homework routines;

  • Create the right environment for homework (furniture, silence. and so on);

  • Show an interest in their child’s work;

  • Use homework book as a means of communication with teacher and school and

  • Connect via Class Dojo and monitor messages and information that is shared by the teacher.

Homwork Policy


Although Herbert Hurd Primary has a Christian ethos, we endeavour to treat each child with respect and dignity, irrespective of their religious background.  We acknowledge all children's particular religious beliefs and practices and encourage all learners to accept each other's religious differences.

Herbert Hurd Primary follows the Life Orientation curriculum as set out by the ECED and each grade is exposed to facets of religions other than their own.  Tolerance and acceptance undergird the material presented, encouraging children to be more accepting of other cultural and religious and groups.

Where days of religious significance are celebrated at school, objection on grounds of religion are acknowledged.  These learners may be excused.  Non-participation in singing religious songs outside of a particular child's religious conviction is also permissible.  This also applies to the school song and the national anthem.  These learners are also permitted to take time off to celebrate the festival of their particular religion.

School assemblies are held once a week.  Topics shared with the learners are designed to instill Godly values such as honesty, generosity, kindness etc. and to encourage the learners to live effective, successful lives.


Religious Policy
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Sport Policy
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The aim of the sport policy is to align all sport with School Policy regarding participation, competitions and general points of importance.



It is the policy of Herbert Hurd Primary School that all learners are encouraged to participate in at least one summer and one winter activity of the extra-curricular activities offered at the school.  Teams are entered to the various sporting codes. We as a school are committed to display good sportsmanship on and off the field of play.



To assist with the number of teams and learners outside assistants may be required. Outside assistants are remunerated for their contributions during the school term.  Payment is calculated according to the amount of time offered to your particular activity.  Extra payment is made for matches.



Trials should be held at the beginning of the first/fourth terms (summer sport) and the second and third terms (winter sport).  First or A teams must be selected on merit and should be the strongest team.  Thereafter, B, C and further teams .
All members of a team should belong to a particular age group for the activity, except for tennis (individual sport), u13 rugby (owing to the league structure) and U
-13 cricket (when a player demonstrates above average batting/bowling skills).The School Code of Conduct applies when Herbert Hurd Primary School learners participate in any competitions, presentations or fixtures. The badge and name of Herbert Hurd Primary shall be worn with pride, even in defeat.  Strict adherence to the dress code will apply at all times.

Once selected for a team, team members are expected to attend every practice as per weekly programme. Learners who fail to attend practices without a note to the coach will be excluded from the team for their next match.



It is expected that Herbert Hurd Primary School will enter in to competitions, or fixtures offered, that fall within the boundaries of the sport program.  A minimum of activities entered into is not set, but no child should be withheld the opportunity to participate as often as possible, and at the highest level possible.  In an effort to improve the competitiveness of our teams and groups, it is important that their skills and abilities are tested against other schools, especially those outside our region. Learners, who are participating in fixtures or activities, should change into their appropriate clothes during second break or at the end of the school day depending on where they are playing away.  Learners may not leave their class early to participate in a fixture, unless the teacher has been informed.


5.    TOURS

It is the responsibility of the coach/es of a particular team, age group or code to arrange tours.  Once a proposal of the details of such a tour is available, it must be presented to the Director of Sport and Management Team. Only after this will a decision will be made if it is viable.



Teams and tours have been sponsored from time to time.  Careful discussion has to be entered into and the terms of the sponsorship must be strictly adhered to.  Any form of sponsorship must be communicated to the Director of Sport in order to ensure uniformity and consistent practice.



In the event of inclement weather, the head of sport code must consult with the Director of Sport to cancel the organized practice/matches that day:
For Junior Phase Activities: Inform the parents by 12.30 and
For Senior Phase Activities: Inform the parents by 13.00.

The changes of the s
port programme for that day are recorded on the School Dojo as an ALERT. The following procedures should be followed for inclement weather.
Wet Weather:
If there will no longer be any educational value to continue with outside activities due to rain, wet fields or courts, the activities should be cancelled. If it is raining during the times stated above 
and the forecast predicts continued rain for the afternoon, cancel activity.
If intermittent showers are present and the forecast predicts that periods of clearing could be experienced, the activity should continue. If the fields and courts are not suitable for use due to excessive water on them, the activity should be cancelled.

Hot Weather:

No activity should merely be cancelled due to excessive heat.  Preventative measures should be taken to avoid excessive exhaustion and dehydration.  The wearing of caps / hats, sunscreen and regular drinking of water together with periods of rest in shady places must be encouraged. If the humidity level is so high that unnatural dehydration is possible, the activity must be cancelled. If possible other forms of preparation for an activity should also be considered instead of simply canceling an activity.



It is the responsibility of the particular educator that all participants of an activity reach the venue for the activity.  Should the learner be unable to reach the venue by own means, school transport must be made available to him/her.  Parents are to be informed if private transport is used. 
Any staff member driving the school bus must be in the possession of a valid Professional Driving Permit (PDP).  Where an external bus company is used the school will always endeavor to make use of appropriately registered and reputable companies.  Prior to departure the chosen bus company will be required to provide the PDP and driver licenses, the current service record, as well as the pre-trip check document, for each bus provided. Eating in the buses is not permitted and buses are to be returned in a clean state.



The school Code of Conduct applies during all activities.  Learners who disobey school rules must be dealt with according to the school’s discipline policy.  Appropriate behavior on and off the field / court must be encouraged at all times.  No coach, parent or learner should be permitted to display gamesmanship at all times.  Herbert Hurd Primary is gracious in victory and accepts defeat.  We do not indulge in a culture of blame and will at all times be worthy opponents.

The school code of conduct covering sport is:

Code of Conduct for Players
  • Play according to the rules and never question an umpire’s or referee's decision.  Leave any queries to your coach or team captain. 

  • Control yourself at all times-never lose your temper with your opponents or fellow mates.

  • Maintain a high work rate!  This will benefit both you and your team.

  • Show respect to all players on the field.

  • Be sporting – acknowledge good play of both your team mates and opponents.

  • Play for the love of the game – not for the pleasure you think it gives parents and coaches.

  • Remember: The aim of sport is enjoyment and to develop your skills.

Code of Conduct for Parents
  • Children should learn best from the example set to them.

  • Children should never be forced to participate in any sport code. 

  • Children should be playing sport for their personal enjoyment, not their parent’s.

  • Never humiliate of shout at your child if he/she makes a mistake on the field or loses a match.

  • Encourage your child to play according to the rules and to co-operate with coaches and umpires.

  • Continually reinforce the fact that it is just as important to play your best as it is to win.

  • Change losing into winning: help your child develop his/hers skills and develop a spirit of sportsmanship.

  • Acknowledge all good play, no matter from which team.

  • Show respect for the opposing team, after all, without them there could be no match!

  • Set an example, please refrain from swearing or insulting coaches/umpires publicly.

  • Acknowledge and support our volunteer coaches and umpires.  They are offering their times and expertise for the good of the game.

  • Acknowledge that every child is a not a future International sports representative. Some children are simply participating in organized sport.

  • Aggression/violence on the field will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Learner’s who repeatedly do not uphold the ethos, should be dealt with firmly.  Consequences include:
1.    Verbal warning and counseling of the child.
2.    A Child is excluded or suspended if behavior continues and a discussion is held with the parent and child.


The procurement of new equipment must comply with the school’s financial policy. Care must be taken of all equipment.  New equipment must be added to the school’s assets register.  Repair of damaged equipment needs to be followed up on and budgeted for accordingly.

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